I have always suggested that ladies take a multi vitamin. Even when your not pregnant. But first, you should be receiving your vitamins from the food you eat. A multi vitamin is a supplement, meaning it is filling in the gaps. It should not be a replacement for good nutrition. Hungry babies come out early. If your not feeding your baby healthy foods, it will effect your childs day of birth, perhaps be born early -and that is NOT a good thing ladies! If your child is born way too early it will be in the hospital for a while. Why would you do that to your baby?
So here are some of the vitamins that you need, and the amounts I suggest and where you can get them from with in your natural diet.
Vitamin A: 5,000 IU-don't over do with this one, as it can cause birth defects if you take too large amounts on a regular basis! Needed for growth and repair of the bodies tissues, for your eyes, skin, tooth and bones, helps to destroy carcinogens, helps with killing germs, . If you do not have enough, you may have rough and dry skin, skin that is scaly, you may be tired, find it hard to sleep, have dull dry hair, brittle nails, depression, and getting infections easily. Cod liver oil, liver, butter, egg yolks, whole milk, cream, yellow fruits and vegetables. Dark green fruits and vegetables.
Beta Carotene: 3000-5000 mg. This lowers heart problems. It is also important for the nerve system, helps muscles, gastrointestinal tract, hair eyes mouth and liver. If you do not have enough your skin may be dry, rough, hair may be dry or gray early, and be dull, you might be tired Kale, squash, tomatoes, broccoli, and spinach.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine):
50-100mg Is a brain energizer, helps metabolism, nerves, and muscle tone and growth. If you do not have enough you may experience tiredness, loss of appetite, nerve or heart issues, gastrointestinal issues. Get from natural sources such as Nutritional yeast, brown rice, meats, fish, poultry, eggs esp the yolks, nuts, legumes, whole grains, black strap molasses.
B2 (Riboflavin): 20-50 mg. important for carbohydrate and fat and protein metabolism, antibodies, cell respiration, formation of red blood cells. if you do not have enough you may experience the following: eye issues, sores in the mouth, digestive issues, skin issues. Get from eggs, meat, poultry, fish, nuts, nutritional yeast, whole grains, black strap molasses, egg yolks, legumes.
B3 (Niacin): 25-100mg (gradually increase to 100 mg a day, as it can irritate the liver.) Restores sanity, controls cholesterol, repairs joints, important for carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Important for the skin, and digestive system, also the tongue. If you do not have enough you may have hot flashes and sweating, palpitations of the heart, headaches, bad breath, sore mouth and gums, nausea, even vomiting. Meat, poultry, dairy, nuts, seeds, peanuts, milk and rice bran.
B5 (Pantothenic acid) 25-100 mg This helps your body to release the stored energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins, also it helps with the formation of some fats, helps with stress too. If you do not have enough, you may experience vomiting, or gastrointestinal issues, fatigue, restlessness, depression, and easily get infections. Get from nutritional yeast, eggs esp the yolks, legumes, whole grains, wheat germ and salmon.
B6 (pyridoxine) 50 mg. This is not-toxic as long as you match its dose with other B vitamins in similar amounts and with a magnesium supplement. Take B6 alone and other B vitamins later in the day. It is important for the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. helps in the formation of antibodies. If you do not have enough you may experience nervousness, muscular weakness, anemia, mouth issues, water retention (helps with sodium balance too!) and dry flaky scalp. Get from meats, whole grains, black strap molasses, wheat germ, legumes, green leafy vegetables.
B12 (cobalamin) 100-300mcg don't take alone, take with other B vitamins. This is important for normal cell building, for metabolism of carbohydrates , fats, and protein. Helps maintain healthy nerves and their function. If you do not have enough you may have pernicious anemia, problem with your nerves. Get from milk, milk products, fish, eggs, soy.
choline 25-100mg. This is a nerve builder and is important for normal function of the nerves. Helps with metabolism and transport of fats, which means helps with the liver and gall bladder. If you do not have enough, you may have a liver problem, high blood pressure, kidney problems, and gall bladder issues. Get from eggs especially the yolks, wheat germ, nutritional yeast, legumes, organ meats (although I do not recommend eating organ meats), dandelion greens, nuts, seeds, soybeans, fish, milk and milk products.
Vitamin C 500-2000mg a day. Well everyone should know this one, but just in case, vit c helps with collagen, healing, blood vessels-strengthens them, stimulates cell activity. It is sooo very important for healing! If you do not have enough, your gums may bleed easily, you may get infections easily or not heal from infections or a common cold very easy. You may have painful joints, and they may even swell. Get from dark green vegetables, lemon's and juice, red peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, citrus fruits, paprika, strawberries, cantaloupe, mustard greens.
Calcium 500-1500mg a day. Is a mineral. Helps with bones, teeth, lowers blood pressure. Helps with muscles. Helps with normal blood clotting. If you do not have enough, your bones may be soft, trouble with teeth, brittle bones, trouble sleeping, be irritable or depressed. Get from dairy, deep green vegetables, molasses, sesame seeds, sea weeds. (don't take with iron) check the pills by placing in vinegar and it should dissolve in 1/2 hour or less. If not, you are not getting a benefit from it.
Chlorine Is a mineral. regulates the acid/base balance in the body. Maintains osmotic pressure, maintains joints and tendons, stimulates production of hydrochloric acid. If you do not have enough you may experience loss of hair, teeth, problems with your digestion, and poor muscle tone. Get from table salt or sea salt (sea salt is best), sea food/meats and kelp, meats, ripe olives (I mean the real ones), rye flour.
Copper 1-2 mg a day. Is a mineral. This helps with formation of red blood cells, works with vitamin C to form elastin. If you do not have enough, you may experience general weakness, loss of hair, skin sores. Take with zinc, it is toxic at high levels. Get from seafood, nuts, legumes, molasses, and raisins.
Vitamin D 400 IU. Do not exceed. Get natural from the sunshine! Improves absorption and utilization of calcium and is needed for your bones (for the formation of bones and teeth), helps maintain the nervous system and normal heart action. If you do not have enough you may experience softening of bones and teeth, in adequate of the absorption of calcium. Get from milk, salmon, sardines, herring, egg yolks.
Vitamin E 400 IU. Prevents tears, protects red blood cells, is important for cell respiration and production, prevents blood from clotting. If you do not have enough you may have problems with your blood cells, muscles, and abnormal fat deposits in the muscles. Take with food or drink that contains fat. Vegetable oils and fats, cold pressed oils, wheat germ, molasses, sweet potatoes, leafy vegetables are best.
Folic Acid-800-2000mcg Lowers birth defects. It is for red blood cell formation, important for all cells in the body. If you do not have enough you may have anemia, poor memory, for the baby neural tube defects are a possibility. Get from Liver, kidney (again I do not recommend that you eat organ meats), beef, broccoli, kale, turnip greens, beets, corn, orange juice, dried beans and peas, root vegetables and leafy green ones.
Inositol 25-100mg Natures sleeping pill. Is important for hair growth, and they thing may be important for metabolism of fats. If you do not have enough you may have hair loss, high blood cholesterol, eczema, constipation. From fresh produce, whole grains, meat and milk, citrus fruits, nutritional yeast, molasses, nuts, lecithin.
Iron 10-30 mg a day. Is a mineral. Don't take too much. Do not take with calcium. Take with vitamin C for better absorption. Important for hemoglobin and all blood cells, If you do not have enough you may be tired, planes of skin, constipation. Get from meats, fish, kelp, liver (again I do not recommend eating organ meats), dandelion greens, nettles, wheat grass juice, yellow dock root, green leafy vegetables, kidney beans, rice, black eyed peas, parsley, tofu, black strap molasses.
Iodine. 150-175 mcg Is a mineral. Is important for preventing goiters. Regulates energy and metabolism, promotes growth. If not enough may have enlarged thyroid gland, dry skin, and dry hair, slow mentally, loss of physical energy, goiter, . Is in salt, sea food, sea salt is best form of salt.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin get from food sources. good for your eyes. Get from kale, spinach, collard greens, leafy green vegetables.
Lycopene -get this from food sources. Get from tomatoes, watermelon. good for protecting LDL from oxidizing and building up on the artery walls.
Magnesium 450-750 mg daily. Is a mineral. Balance this with calcium. Take with calcium. toxic at very high levels. A good soak in epson salts (your feet) will help you absorb what is needed. Get from sea food, whole grains, dark green vegetables, molasses, and nuts.
Manganese 2.5-5 mg Is a mineral. Get from whole grains, green leafy vegetables, nuts, eggs, esp the yolks, legumes, pineapple.
Potassium- 1875-5675mg. Is a mineral. Get amounts from your daily diet. Is important for heart muscles, nervous system and kidneys. If you do not have enough your heart may have problems, even cardiac arrest, nervous issues, irregular pulse, insomnia, poor reflexes, respiratory failure, constipation. Get from meats, almonds, mushrooms, spinach, nuts, fish, turkey, avacado, chicken breast, sirloin, cantaloupe, whole grains, dried fruits, legumes, sunflower seeds.
Quercetin 500 mg- take on an empty stomach. Promotes proper circulation. Get from apples, green peppers, onions, tomatoes and broccoli.
Zinc-15-28 mg daily. Is a mineral. Makes the membranes stronger. (good for helping to prevent early rupture of membranes) also if you do not have enough, you will increase the risk of low birth weight. This is a part of insulin, helps with digestion and metabolism of phosphorus, aids wound healing. If you do not have enough you may have growth retardation, stretch marks, irregular menses, diabetes, loss of taste and appetite, central nervous system, take longer to heal, and damage to the baby. Get from pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, wheat germ, meats, eggs, seafoods, soybeans.